Are you looking for a custom 2d animated GIF or motion graphics animation ad for social media, websites or mobile apps. I will create your custom sticker GIFs for social media stories, snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.
You are in the right place. I am helping businesses like you to get engaging animation on Fiverr and have over 4+ years of experience in this field and 70+ orders completed.
What you will get with this animated GIF GIG?
· 1 Length Variation from 8 to 12-second video loop animation.
· Custom animations (No templates).
· 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
· 2D or Parallax loop animation
· Social media Animated GIF.
· Lottie animation
· loop animation
· NFT animation
· Loop GIF
1. Please contact me before placing the order
2. Just give me an idea of what you need or show an example
3. We will discuss details and find the best solution
Best regards,

: : : : :

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